What dwelling limit constitutes a "High Value Home"
Typically in the insurance world a home value of $750,000 and up is considered to be a High Value Home. Premiums vary depending upon the value of the home. What typical coverage's are found in a high value home policy? Is there a need for the additional coverage's in comparison to a standard homeowner's policy?
Choosing to insure your affluent clients with a preferred writer rather than a direct writer, often provides them with the additional coverage's that are directly built into their policy.
Affluent Customer Insurance Opportunity:
- Size of HVH Insurance: Approx. 2,500,000 Homes
- Average Premium: $25,000
- Minimum HVH Premium: $7,500 - $10,000
- Minimum Lines of Business: 2-3 Lines (Home, Auto, Excess)
- Minimum Coverage A Amount: $750,000
How to Quote:
- Acord Form 80 Application (Standard acord application may be used to quote)
- Email fully completed application to PLQuotes@Stuckey.com.
Differences Between a High Value Home vs Direct Writer
- High Personal Lines Limits
- Household Staff
- Living Expenses
- Ordinance or Law
- High Value Home Deductible
- Personal Lines Identity Fraud
- Risk Management
Our carrier's understand the need for the appropriate amount of coverage needed for your affluent clientelle.
Stuckey & Company's appointed carrier's have exceptional financial strength and have received A++, the highest rating available from A.M Best Company and Triple-A ratings from Moody's and Standard & Poor's.
If you have any questions or would like a quote, please contact Stacy@Stuckey.com or visit our website at Stuckey.com