Waive your deductible with a High Value Home policy!
Deductible Waiver for Large Losses Endorsement is available with a standard deductible of $25,000. This endorsement allows the deductible to be waived for a covered loss exceeding $50,000. This endorsement is not generally available through direct writers on standard policies.
- Market space is approximately $40 Billion
- Size of HVH market is approximately 2,500,000 homes
- 70-80% of the HVH polices are written by direct writers
- HVH policies offer additional coverage for EPLI, Waiver of Deductible & Wildfire Protection
- Average premium: $25,000
- Minimum HVH premium: $7500 - $10,000
- Better products with preferred writers and similar price with direct writers
- Home values of $500,000 and up
- Minimum 3 lines of business required by AIG
- CAT prone locations Chubb requires a minimum of $15,000 in non-CAT premium
Exposure Concerns:
1) Brush
2) Wave wash
3) Flood elevation
4) Wind and hail
5) Earthquake
Key Underwriting Questions:
1) Who is the applicant
2) General loss history
3) What risk measures are in place
4) Any animals with a bite history
- $1000
- $2500
- $5000
- $10,000
- $25,000
- $50,000
- $100,000
How to Quote:
- Email submission to Stacy@Stuckey.com.
If you have any questions or would like a quote, please contact Stacy@Stuckey.com or visit our website at Stuckey.com..