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Why Insurance Quoting Software is Used Now More Than Ever

Insurance Quoting Software Meets Consumer Demand

Obtaining quotes for insurance policies is a crucial step in the insurance buyer’s journey. Consumers value a rich selection of carrier and policy options. Also, they value the ability to compare these policies quickly and easily. 

A quote is an estimate of an insurance policy’s cost, and an accurate quote requires a good deal of information to produce. In the past, getting a quote meant spending hours with an insurance agent over the phone or in person. Consumers shopping for auto, homeowners, or small business insurance have to answer lots of questions about their property, their intentions, and their financial situation. With insurance quoting software, this process is simplified and made more convenient.

Insurance quoting software organizes questions into an easy-to-follow and conversational workflow. Insurance agents can provide additional support with customer service chat tools built into the software. As consumers use the software, they can pause, find necessary information, and then resume the quoting process. Using digital signature functionality, they can sign off on sharing their personal information and review terms and conditions. 

A Quoting Process Designed for Real People

Today’s consumers are accustomed to shopping their options online. Insurance policies of any kind are purchases that demand attention and consideration. Customers want to understand their options well in order to make a confident decision. Insurance quoting software, especially web-based solutions, delivers all the information they need in a much more convenient format.

Complicated forms can be adapted to an intuitive, conversational process for data collection. Even steps for binding and payment can be built into a more digital end-to-end buying experience. Insurance quoting software simplifies the most crucial step for establishing consumer trust, opening providers up to more potential customers.

Insurance quoting software also allows independent agents to spend their time more efficiently. Quoting software can include CRM tools for staying in contact with customers at every stage of their shopping and buying process. In fact, there are many more features insurance quoting software can include:

  • Calculators that factor in mortgage costs, inheritance, loan repayments, and more
  • Mobile apps that improve accessibility even further
  • Online chat help that uses conversational A.I. to answer consumer questions
  • CRM solutions that allow agents to store and sort contact information by relevant factors

Trends that show a consumer preference for online shopping have only increased since the advent of mobile computing technology. Insurance quoting software streamlines a complex process and delivers the quoting experience into the palms of consumers’ hands.

Topics: TECHNOLOGY, Stuckey & Co., Licensed Agents, insurance quoting software

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